Solensia for Cats — The New Pet Arthritis Injection
Hi friends!
I took my Forever Boyfriend 😻 (Space Ghost) to the vet the other day, and mentioned that his limp has been getting worse. 😿
She suggested giving him an injection of Solensia —a newly released, FDA-approved monthly medication for osteoarthritis in cats and dogs. (The dog version is called Librela.)
And I was like, "Brb, let me read everything that's ever been published about Solensia injection for cats, including a very long article titled "Efficacy and Safety of an Anti-nerve Growth Factor Antibody (Frunevetmab) for the Treatment of Degenerative Joint Disease-Associated Chronic Pain in Cats: A Multisite Pilot Field Study."
I mean, if the TITLE is that long, you know it's gonna be a doozy.
Good thing she left me in the exam room for a full 30 minutes while she ran Space Ghost's blood tests. 🙃
Here are two fascinating things I learned about osteoarthritis from this ginormous article:
Osteothritis is considered a "degenerative joint disease" (DJD) (👈 OK, I knew this, but still think it's interesting. I assume Intervertebral Disc Disease, or IVDD, also falls under the DJD umbrella. So many acronymsssss.)
Degenerative joint disease pain is associated with an excess of nerve-growth factor (NGF)!!!
Now THAT is interesting. 👆
You'd think having more nerve-growth factor would be good, right?
NGF is involved in pain regulation. Got too much NGF? Then you've got pain.
Solensia (AKA Frunevetmab, a name they could have improved upon if anyone had bothered to try saying it out loud) is an anti-nerve-growth factor antibody.
It works by recognizing and binding to NGF in your pet's body. This prevents the pain signal from reaching the brain!
No brain, no pain, as I always say.
* I have never said this before.
Isn't that cool??
Solensia is a monthly injection that may take a while to start working. If it works for Space Ghost, he'll be limping less in 4-6 weeks. (You better believe you'll be hearing about that.)
So along with giving your pet their daily glucosamine (cat or dog) to support healthy, mobile joints — why not ask your vet about Solensia for cats or Librela for dogs?
Limp no more,
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